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Strona główna / Filmy / Hello Stranger

In between setting up more laundry at the corner laundromat, Cooper shares the tumultuous story of his journey to gender correction. Piecing together memories of her childhood in a small fishing village and the tumultuous medical process, she tries to come to terms with the last male mark on her body: the annoying, deep voice that still clings to her skin.

Film expert recommends

Probably the fourth short documentary in the career of the young Quebec director. As in the others, in the 16-minute Hello, Stranger, it is important to Hardy that the subject matter is portrayed in a realistic and visually perfect way. This time the artist, with the prominent help of her character, who is post-transition, presents the biography of a trans girl (woman): from childhood memories to early adulthood. A piece of powerful cinema and biography: self-deception, deception of others, acceptance and acceptance of change. On the one hand, the life of everyone, on the other, the life of a few. The uncompromising truth of the screen.

Film is a part of: “Finding your own voice. Short films”

Hello Stranger


Sugerowany wiek: 16+

Czas trwania: 17'

Plakat filmu "Witaj, nieznajomy"

Full cast and creators

Amélie Hardy