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Strona główna / Filmy / How to Be Loved?

The story of a boy who wants very much to be stroked by his mummy. Unfortunately, all the woman’s attention is completely focused on her beloved dog. What is the boy capable of in order to get the attention of a person close to him…?

Film expert recommends

A new short (10-minute) animation by a young Polish director whose previous film Licho nie śpi (2020) drew attention to her extraordinary talent. This time, it tells the story of the titular affection between a child and a mother who is clearly closer to her pet than to her son. Let no one be misled by the film’s theme or the title’s reference to the classics of Polish psychological cinema – this is not the track. Wierzbowska goes in the direction of showing the absurdity of the situation and reality, but at the same time she does not give up on depicting the described phenomenon in a profound and discordant way. The clarity and even flamboyance of her solutions serve this story, which is heading in a non-obvious direction, well.

The film is a part of: “Finding your own voice. Short films” set

How to Be Loved?


Sugerowany wiek: 16+

Czas trwania: 11'

Plakat filmu animowanego "Jak być kochanym?".

Full cast and creators

Nawojka Wierzbowska
Nawojka Wierzbowska
Alicja Błaszczyńska
Nawojka Wierzbowska