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Strona główna / Filmy / Lola and the Sound Piano

Lola is a trumpet-learning teenager who is sometimes overwhelmed by her little brother’s behaviour. A child psychiatrist explains to her what the autism spectrum is. Lola decides to get her brother’s attention and find a way to communicate with him.

The film is a part of: “Yes, we can. Short films” set.

Lola and the Sound Piano


Sugerowany wiek: 7+

Czas trwania: 28'

Plakat filmu animowanego "Lola i pianino hałasów".

Full cast and creators

Augusto Zanovello
Augusto Zanovello
Jean-Charles Finck
Héloïse Pétel
Luis Ignacio De Marco Laporte
Carla Pereira
Sergio Lara Jimenez